5 Ways To Find Your Lack Of Purpose

Kimberlee Cantrell
5 min readFeb 19, 2021


Everyone needs to find something in life that makes us happy and makes us feel like we are contributing to ourselves and society. A sense of purpose can mean many things.

What makes you happy? Painting? Traveling? Gardening? Writing? The list is endless, and you are the only one that can make this decision.

For instance, when you feel down, and your anxiety is high, and you have nothing to keep your mind and body busy, you feel complacent.

As a result, your mind tells you to do something, but your body does not want to move or vice versa. How do you make our mind and body move?

Decision 1: What is driving your lack of purpose?

Most importantly, is there trauma in your life, past or present, that is stopping you from finding what drives you? Trauma can be anything from a break-up, losing a job, losing a pet, or anything that makes you feel sad, lonely, or afraid.

Discovering what is stopping you can help you move forward into finding happiness. Acknowledging your sadness and its cause will help you move forward.

Decision 2: What gets you energized?

Is there something or someone that excites you?

For me, Spring excites me. I love Spring, it always brings beautiful weather. I love watching the flowers and trees bloom. Nature becomes alive again after long winter hibernation.

Spending time with my family gets me energized. Getting out of the house and exploring with my kids and letting them see the wonder in their eyes.

Going for a hike is a great example. Letting my kids discover nature’s wonders. I enjoy foraging medicinal plants and teaching my kids how to recognize these plants. This makes me feel good knowing that I am teaching them something of value.

Decision 3: Are you willing to make a sacrifice?

Is there something that you are willing to do anything to achieve?

Being a stay-at-home mom, I needed to find a sense of purpose. I always wanted to complete my bachelor’s degree.

Firstly, I signed up for an online school.

Secondly, I had a lot of school assignments to complete.

Finally, with many late nights, early mornings, and missed family events under my belt, I graduated with my bachelor’s degree with honors.

It did not happen overnight. It took five years for me to accomplish this goal but I never gave up.

This was a sacrifice I was willing to take on, and with that, I found my sense of direction.

Is there something in your life that you have always wanted to achieve? Of course, there is! Everyone does! The time is now! If you are willing to work hard for it, it will happen.

Decision 4: Who do you want to help?

When discovering your mission, think about who you want to help. Writing this blog is a way for me to help others going through the struggles that I went through for many years.

For a long time, I felt alone and ashamed of my thoughts and feelings. I do not want others to feel that way, and I do not want you to feel alone.

With this in mind, who do you think of to help you fulfill this goal? It could be an individual, group, business, etc. The possibilities are endless. Take the time to think about who you want to help and why you want to help them.

Decision 5: How can you help?

Okay, so you have figured out who you want to help. Now it is time to figure out how you can help. Remember that this is not something you can do overnight. It will take time, and it must be done one step at a time.

Think about what drives you. How can your passion help others? What is it about your passion that makes you willing to step up and put in the hard work?

It will be okay!

Meanwhile, there will be times when you will feel overwhelmed and excited at the same time. Feeling this way is perfectly normal! Don’t let it get to you.

Finding your purpose is a journey. It will take time, patience, and determination. If you get frustrated and want to give up, restart the steps again.

If you are having trouble keeping track, try journaling. Keeping a record of your goals on paper is a way to stay on track, and if you lose focus, you can go back and look over what you have achieved.

You will probably be surprised at how much you have already accomplished. Do not be afraid to move forward — one step at a time.

There may be ideas that need to be tweaked to make your goal more achievable. If so, do it, and continue moving forward.

In conclusion, be sure to repeat the process if necessary but DO NOT give up! You CAN do anything you set your mind to.

Leave me some comments below and let me know your goals to discovering your purpose.



Kimberlee Cantrell

I am a blogger who focuses on mental health specifically dealing with depression and anxiety. I love true crime, nature, and traveling.