Embrace The New Season

Kimberlee Cantrell
3 min readFeb 24, 2021


Spring is upon us, 19 days to be exact! I don’t know about you, but I am EXCITED!!

There is something about spring that reminds me that we are allowed to start over again. It is pretty amazing when you think about it. Every year we have four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

Each season brings something different, and at the start of every season, we are allowed to reevaluate and start again if we choose.

Spring brings renewal.

Summer is growth.

Fall is gratefulness.

Winter is time for contemplation.

When I think about spring, I think about nature, and how the trees start to bud with fresh leaves, the grass turns from brown to green. Animals are giving birth, and eggs are hatching. Spring brings life in all shapes and forms.

There is a reason I bring up mother nature and her renewal of life. When we are in the middle of our struggle, we tend not to see or appreciate what and who is around us. We only focus on the grays, browns, and blacks of life.

As we exit out of winter and escape from the darkness of being stuck in the dreary cold, we need to remember that our darkness is only temporary. It is a season.

Just like nature, seasons change. Your season can change too.

Okay, so how does this work? How can you bring light into your life when you have been focusing on the dark?

I am not going to say that it is a comfortable journey. It requires focus and a willingness to change. The hardest part is making this difficult decision, but you can change and always remember you are NOT alone. There is plenty of people more than willing to assist you in your journey.

In order to change your season, you must understand your darkness and why you find comfort in such a place. From experience, it is a place of comfort. It is your comfort zone. I know it well and understand how you feel. Reaching out is challenging, and our pride will often get in the way. You have to fight the urge to stay and fight to move forward.

The metaphor that comes to mind is a seed. When it first begins to grow out of the seed pod, the seedling arrives in darkness, but it knows that it must continue to fight through the soil’s darkness and push towards the light to thrive. Once it pokes through the dark earth, the seedling is welcomed by the warm sunny air.

You, too, can grow from the dark soil and be welcomed into the light.

In closing, you can push through this challenging time. Allow your mind and body to welcome happiness and embrace a new beginning. You are worth it!



Kimberlee Cantrell

I am a blogger who focuses on mental health specifically dealing with depression and anxiety. I love true crime, nature, and traveling.